For 24/7 care, call us at (315) 781-8448. Hearing/speech disabilities, please call 711.

Making an impact.

Give to Finger Lakes Community Health.
No matter the size of your donation, a one-time gift or a legacy fund, your contribution matters.

In these uncertain times, non-profit organizations like Finger Lakes Community Health are at risk of having their funding restricted. Now, more than ever, private donations can make a huge impact. Charitable donations allow us to fund the areas of the greatest need and to develop innovative programs that improve access to quality healthcare.

No matter what their insurance situation is—every patient is welcome at our health centers. Your support helps us to pay for the uninsured or under-insured who need access to quality care. But it also helps our patients in other areas.


We advocate for patients whose health is affected by poor living conditions and other risk factors that arise from economic or social disparity.


We provide transportation or gas cards to help patients get to their healthcare appointments


Our “acts of kindness” fund is for patients with special circumstances. For example, when a patient had an incurrable form of cancer and wanted to spend time with his family, we purchased his plane ticket home.
No matter the size of your donation, a one-time gift or a legacy fund, your contribution matters. If you’d like to give a gift by using your credit card, simply click the donate button and you can give a gift online. Or if you want to find out more about how you can help call us at 315-531-9102.