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Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Events for the Community SPANISH

Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Events for the Community SPANISH

INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LA VACUNA CONTRA COVID-19   Finger Lakes Community Health (FLCH) ofrece las vacunas COVID-19 de Pfizer y Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). JANssen (Johnson & Johnson) Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) es una vacuna de una sola dosis para cualquier...

COVID-19 Vaccine Patient of Record Page — SPANISH ONLY

 ¡SOLO PARA PACIENTES MÉDICOS LA VACUNA COVID-19 ESTÁ AQUÍ EN FINGER LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH! Esta página proporciona información para nuestros pacientes médicos. Si no es un paciente de FLCH, haga clic aquí para ver nuestros eventos de vacunación comunitarios. Finger...

COVID-19 Vaccine Events for the Community

COVID-19 VACCINE EVENTS FOR THE COMMUNITY Finger Lakes Community Health (FLCH) has the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines for all individuals who are 18 years of age and older. We also offer the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for all individuals who are 5 –...

COVID-19 Vaccine Patient of Record Page — ENGLISH ONLY

COVID-19 VACCINE FOR PATIENTS OF FINGER LAKES COMMUNITY HEALTH! This page provides information for our medical patients. If you are not an FLCH patient, click here for our Community Vaccine Events. Finger Lakes Community Health (FLCH) has the Moderna and Janssen...
Medication paving the way to HIV prevention.

Medication paving the way to HIV prevention.

Medication paving the way to HIV prevention. By Ken Metasavage, Health Advocate, Finger Lakes Community Health, an independent healthcare organization with eight health centers in the region. HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a disease that is transmitted...